β€œTo assure every Newark City Schools student the opportunity to pursue and complete education after high school.”

ACT Prep

Research shows that a higher score on the American College Test (ACT) may mean more college choices and more financial aid funding.  Sitting for the exam multiple times and focused test preparation can increase a student’s score.  In response to this research, A Call to College initiated an ACT preparation program in 2007, providing resources and workshops to help Newark City Schools students prepare for the ACT exam.  With the implementation of state funded ACT testing in 2016, A Call to College expanded the ACT preparation program to encourage NCS students to take the ACT multiple times.  By offering to pay the fee for the registration of any NCS Senior interested in taking the ACT in October, NCS students will have two opportunities to take the ACT for free.

Key elements: 

Methodize:  Methodize is an online tool that talks and draws to provide tailored instruction to students preparing for the ACT. Methodize accounts are made available to every NCS student.

ACT Help Sessions: Offered to NCS juniors preparing for the state funded test, and to NCS seniors who are preparing for the October test.  These events help students to become familiar with the test and encourage them to use different resources to prepare.

  • ACT Practice Test – An opportunity to simulate the actual test environment.  Program staff will score tests and provide students feedback
  • ACT Turbo Camp - A turbo charged, four-hour workshop with ACT expert Brian Stewart that provides in-depth ACT preparation with individualized feedback
  • ACT Boosters - NCS seniors who are registered to take the October ACT can attend one or both of these two-hour long sessions of ACT review with ACT expert Brian Stewart.  Students who attended ACT Boosters as juniors should consider attending as each session will offer updated content.  One session will focus on the English and Reading sections of the ACT, while the other will focus on Math and Science.

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