Are you organized, flexible, detail-oriented, energetic and compassionate? Do you love working with Newark’s youth and are you excited by the prospect of helping them pursue and complete their education after high school? If so, you might be who we are looking for to join our team as a part-time Associate Director of Programming with a focus on advising juniors and seniors! Overarching responsibilities of this position include: implementation, management and evaluation of projects and programs; spokesperson for A Call to College; developing student relationships and providing informed advising; and leading and collaborating with multiple teams. Some specific program responsibilities include: Advising; New Model Development, Training, Communication and Oversight; Workforce Development Liasion, Summer Melt, Campus Visits, and Financial Aid and FAFSA advising.

Please see the link below for a general job description. Also linked is our A Call to College employment application. Please email your completed employment application along with your resume and cover letter to Tara Houdeshell, Executive Director at [email protected]. All other questions and inquiries should also be forwarded to Tara. Thank you for your interest!

“To assure every Newark City Schools student the opportunity to pursue and complete education after high school.”


Click on the links below to retrieve an electronic copy of the newsletter that A Call to College produces for parents, students and family members in the Newark City School District. Tassel Talk is emailed home to 2nd, 4th, 6th and 8th grade families twice a year.
Recent Issues of Tassel Talk:
Annual Impacts and Reports:

Check It Out!

“What were the three most important things I did at Newark High School to make going to college a reality?  Number one by far was to plug into A Call to College and everything they offer! I almost lived in their office – my senior year especially! Second, do not be afraid to ask questions or reach out to your teachers for help. Finally, it is important to use your spare time wisely.”

-Daeja Johnson NHS ‘14              Capital University ‘18

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