“To assure every Newark City Schools student the opportunity to pursue and complete education after high school.”

Alumni Feedback Survey

Alumni Feedback Survey

Newark High School Alumni - Please answer the following questions about your experiences in high school and since graduation. Your responses may be used in print or online to support our efforts in the Newark City Schools. 

Please provide your first and last name, phone number, address, and email in the space below.
In what year did you graduate from Newark High School?
Did you participate in A Call to College when you where at NHS?

If you chose Other, please explain:
Please tell us how helpful you found A Call to College's services.

In which of the following A Call to College services did you participate?

Check any of the following that apply to your current situation:

If applicable, what college or post-secondary institution did you attend?
Describe your current employment or other occupation. List your employer's name/location and your job title if applicable.
Where do you live? (Please check all that apply)

Use the following space to provide a testimonial about A Call to College, if you would like. Testimonials are a huge help to us in our reports and publications.
Your Name:
Your Email:

To validate your submission, please answer the following math problem:

captcha math problem
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